family portal

Currently enrolled circus families should use this page as a one-stop-shop for all things CM
We recommend book-marking this URL for easy return

For a full breakdown of staff members, and to get in touch, pease visit our about page.

Key Dates at a Glance

MAY 2024

Fri 03 May 5-9pm Community Rehearsal 

Fri 10 May 5-9pm Community Rehearsal 

Fri 17 May 5-9pm Community Rehearsal

Mon 20 May 10am-4pm Rehearsal week

Tue 21 May 10am-4pm Rehearsal week

Wed 22 May 10am-4pm Rehearsal week

Thu 23 May 10am-4pm Rehearsal week

Fri 24 May 10am-4pm Rehearsal week


Mon 27 May 10am-4pm Professional Rehearsal  

Tue 28 May 10am-4pm Professional Rehearsal

Wed 29 May 10am-4pm Professional Rehearsal – DRESS

Thu 30 May 10am-4pm Professional Rehearsal

JUN 2024

Sun 02 Jun Resonate Festival (Hullabaloo) Joe

Sun 30 Jun Class Act Theatrix show at the Alex

JUL 2024

Sat 06 Jul CoCoMad Festival (Hullabaloo)

Mon 08 Jul LAST WEEK of Youth CLASSES

Autumn Term (September – December 2024)

Mon 16 Sep – Sun 27 Oct  (6 weeks)

Half term: Mon 28 Oct – Sun 3 Nov

Mon 4 Nov – Sun 15 Dec (6 weeks) 

Christmas break: Mon 16 Dec to Sun 5 Jan (3 weeks)

Spring Term (January – April 2025)

1st half term: Mon 6 Jan – Sun 16 Feb (6 weeks)

Half term: Mon 17 – Sun 23 Feb

2nd half term: Mon 24 Feb – Sun 13 Apr (7 weeks)

Easter break: Mon 14 Apr – Sun 27 Apr (2 weeks)

Summer Term (May – August 2025)

Mon 28 Apr – Sun 25 May (4 weeks)

Half term: Mon 26 May – Sun 1 Jun

Mon 2 Jun – Sun 13 Jul (6 weeks)

MASH Rules for parents/guardians & participants

  1. Arrive on time. Participants must not miss the warm up as they will not be permitted in class
  2. Please ensure that hair is tied back. It is a hazard if it is not
  3. Correct clothing must be worn at all times. Black leggings/joggers/tights that are full length. A MASH T-shirt, or Leotard that covers arm pits. Buy a MASH Uniform t-shirt at our shop here.
  4. No Jewellery in class. Tape is available for newly pierced ears
  5. Parents must be on time picking up youth
  6. There is a three strike rule. If rules are not obeyed after three strikes we reserve the right to un-enrol participants from the programme

Class changes & cancellations

In order to transfer to a different class or cancel your subscription, please get in touch with
There is a 30 day policy for all cancellations.

Late pick-up fees

CircusMASH work with freelance trainers that are paid for the delivery of classes.

For youth that are not picked up on time the trainers need to wait around until parents arrive with no payment. For youth that are not picked up on time we need to cover the trainers fees which are £5 for every 15 minutes of lateness. We understand that as a one off it may not be your fault but we are having to implement this rule as a result of continuous pick up lateness.

Private training

We offer private training for adults & young people outside our regular classes and usual school times.
Please contact for more information.


Show Notes

Discovery Play (Tuesday 4.30pm) Show Schedule 

Tech Week Starts on 4th December. This means that there will be NO class on Tuesday 5th December. Instead they will attend Dress Rehearsal on Friday. 

Dress Rehearsal: Friday 8th December @5pm. Please collect young people at 6.30pm. 

Showtime: Saturday 9th December @3pm. Arrival time is tbc. 

Discovery (Wednesday at 4.30pm & Saturday at 9.30am) Show Schedule

Tech Week Starts on 4th December. This means that there will be NO classes this week. Instead they will attend Dress Rehearsal on Friday 8th. 

Dress Rehearsal: Friday 8th December Drop off@5pm. Please collect young people at 6.30pm. It is compulsory to come to the dress rehearsal if they would like to be in the Saturday show. 

Show 2: Saturday 9th December @ 7pm | Wednesday 4.30pm + Saturday 9.30am. Arrival time is tbc. 

Show 3: Sunday 10th December @12pm | Wednesday 4.30pm. Arrival time is tbc.   

Show 4: Sunday 10th December @3pm | Saturday 9.30am. Arrival time is tbc. 

All Other Classes

  • Youth Discovery – Wednesday 5.30pm & Saturday 10.30am
  • Youth Aerial – Thursday 4.30pm & Saturday 11.30am
  • Youth Foundation Ground & Aerial -Monday 5.30pm, Tuesday 5.30pm, Thursday 5.30pm
  • Adult Aerial Classes – Monday 6.30pm & 8pm, Tuesday 6.30pm
  • Adult CirqueStars – Wednesday 6.30pm
  • Juggle Club – Sunday 5pm

There will be NO classes this week from 4th December. If you need extra practice there will be an opportunity to be part of tech rehearsals during the week. 

Tech Rehearsal 1 4th December. This is not mandatory. 

Tech Rehearsal 2 5th December. This is not mandatory. 

Tech Rehearsal 3 6th December. This is not mandatory.  

Tech Rehearsal 4 7th December. This is not mandatory. 

Dress Rehearsal: Friday 8th December Drop off@5pm. Please collect young people at 6.30pm. It is compulsory to come to the dress rehearsal if they would like to be the Saturday show.

Show 1: Saturday 9th December @3pm. Arrival time is tbc. 

Show 2: Saturday 9th December @ 7pm. Arrival time is tbc. 

Show 3: Sunday 10th December @12pm. Arrival time is tbc.  

Show 4: Sunday 10th December @3pm. Arrival time is tbc.  


Workshop Notes

October Half Term Workshops

More information available soon

Codes of Practice

CircusMASH Youth Circus exists to advance the skills and education of young people in the knowledge, practice and appreciation of all aspects of circus in a safe and supportive educational environment in which they can develop and have fun. CircusMASH Adult academy also has this aim.

Our promise to you…

  • To provide a safe, supportive environment to engage and learn circus activities
  • Encourage you to develop skills in circus disciplines in preparation for a showcase
  • Provide fully qualified coaches to aid your learning
  • Ensure that all rehearsals start on time and sessions are prepared in advance
  • Ensure that all sessions are fun
  • Value participants equally regardless of age, disability, gender, orientation, race or religion
  • Not tolerate any form of discrimination or bullying
  • To challenge you with the disciplines that you are learning
  • Set rehearsal targets that are challenging, yet achievable
  • Always be available for any questions or concerns from participants or parents

Our expectation from you…

  • Play an active part in supporting our codes of practice
  • Behave in a controlled manner at all times in workshops and rehearsals
  • Support others in their learning and development
  • Arrive on time to workshops and rehearsals ready to start
  • Arrive with correct clothing, shoes, no jewellery
  • Ensure that you listen to your coach and use the equipment as instructed to do so
  •  Please bring your own water bottle to each session
  • No food in rehearsals

Safety at Circus

Safety is our number one priority at CircusMASH. Learning circus disciplines can be dangerous and our job is to be aware of these dangers and meet all of our safety guidelines to ensure that every participant is kept safe at all times during rehearsals.

Participant Safety Rules

  • Do not use the equipment without permission from the coach
  • No Running around the equipment.
  • Listen to your coaches instructions at all times
  • Dress appropriately for rehearsals, no jewellery
  • No chewing gum during rehearsals

Every discipline will have it’s own set of rules that apply to them. We will ensure:

  • Every child on the equipment will have a coach/spotter with them and relevant safety matting will be in place
  • They will work within their abilities yet be challenged safely
  • All students will be supervised throughout each session
  • All equipment will be safety checked before each circus session

Emergency Procedures

If in the event of an emergency please listen to your teachers instructions. Teachers will ensure they have everyone registered in at the start of the session and lead everyone to safety.

Injuries & First Aid

A first aider will be present at all times during classes and rehearsals. In the event of a minor injury we will have a first aid kit available. Please ensure that you have filled in a parent emergency contact form.

While in the Circus Space:

  • Water breaks will be given frequently, please bring your own water bottle
  • Toilet breaks will be taken just when needed
  • No chewing gum at any time
  • No jewellery will be worn

Child Protection

All coaches are advanced DBS certified.


  • Please be aware that there is CCTV in the studio we work
  • If you do not agree with us taking photographs during rehearsals to document progress and for promotional purposes, please let us know on the registration form

Spotting & ensuring safety.

  • It is common practice in coaching circus to use manual spotting techniques in order to keep participants safe, which may involve direct physical contact. This is the only way to ensure the child’s safety

Appropriate clothing and hair

  • Please wear something that you feel comfortable moving about in Leggings/leotards are great as well as jogging bottoms with NO zips. Please ensure that your armpits, midriff and knee’s are covered
  • No zips, buttons, sequins or any other object that may be sewn onto clothing
  • Come along in trainers but you will need to be barefoot in some parts of the session
  • Long hair tied up


  • Learning circus can be very demanding. It is common for participants to feel uncomfortable trying something new. The reward comes from the achievement so we encourage all participants to overcome barriers that they are faced with
  • Please be aware that certain circus activities can cause minor bumps and bruises like with any sporting activity
  • We have 8 rules that we will go over with the children at the start of the programme that they will need to abide by for each session throughout the term.
  1. Only use equipment when told to do so by an instructor
  2. Always walk around the circus equipment. Never run
  3. Speak in a normal voice, no yelling or screaming
  4. Be at rehearsals on time
  5. Dress appropriately for training, no jewellery, tie long hair up
  6. Do not eat food or chew gum during training
  7. Inappropriate language is unacceptable
  8. Respect your coach and each other

Safeguarding Policy

Please download a copy of our full safeguarding policy here

The index of contents are:

    – Policy Aims

    – ABUSE
    – Physical Abuse
    – Emotional Abuse
    – Sexual Abuse
    – Neglect














    Bullying Policy

    ● Operates a zero tolerance to bullying, discrimination or negativity towards others
    ● Promotes a safe space for all individuals irrespective of age, gender, ability, sexuality, political or religious beliefs, racial or ethnic origins
    ● Aims to promote a cohesive community where all staff, mentors, volunteers and associates are expected to contribute to maintain an inclusive, welcoming space

    Disclosure of bullying behaviour will be treated as a safeguarding concern, in conjunction with the behaviour management policy and the bullying resolution procedures outlined below.

    Bullying is the intention to cause unhappiness in another person. It can involve any physical, psychological or verbal action by an individual or a group that is designed to scare, harm, or intimidate, another person. Bullying is typically systematic and intentional, it may be in person or online. It is often motivated by prejudice against particular groups.

    Where bullying has been alleged the anti-bullying policy should be enacted alongside, safeguarding and behaviour management policies. Where staff, mentors or affiliates are subject to such practice they are advised to respond as follows:

    a) If the originator of the material is an employee they should consider resolving the matter directly with CircusMASH management or Board of Trustees
    b) If the originator of the material is a participant they should report this to Liz Sifford and the matter will be dealt with in accordance with the safeguarding and behaviour management policies as well as the code of conduct
    c) if the originator of the material is a contractor, client or visitor they should immediately report this to Liz Sifford
    d) if the originator of the material has no connection to CircusMASH they should consider reporting the matter to the police, and disclose to Circus Central manager to ensure their safety and well-being within the premises

    Bullying is not acceptable within CircusMASH. We aim to prevent bullying with a cohesive approach between participants and staff.

    All participants are expected to work together to prevent bullying: participants are expected to tell mentors if they witness any bullying behaviours.

    Staff and Volunteers
    Staff must be vigilant of bullying behaviours within their sessions. Should bullying behaviours be witnessed, staff must
    ● Consider their personal safety and the safety of the group prior to intervening. Consult with other staff if necessary before taking action
    ● Follow the Safeguarding policy and procedures
    ● The Safeguarding Officer will assess the nature of the suspicions or the disclosure
    ● The Safeguarding Officer will decide on an appropriate course of action to resolve the situation

    Where an allegation of bullying behaviour is made against a member, the safeguarding officer, in conjunction with other staff members will decide on the appropriate course of action to resolve the situation. CircusMASH reserves the right to implement measures, including barring the member, to safeguard participants.

    Where bullying behaviour has been identified the Safeguarding Officer will
    ● Keep a written record of actions taken
    ● Work with relevant organisations and individuals to incur a satisfactory resolution (e.g. police/care workers/ support workers/ parents etc) Alternative resolutions to barring individuals include:
    ● Speak with the victim and bully (ies) separately. Encourage the victim to share the impact of bullying. Share impact with the bully to encourage empathy and understanding of impact of their behaviour
    ● Check in with bully to ascertain why the behaviour is occuring
    ● Seek an apology from the bully
    ● Work with the bully and victims carers/ support workers to develop a plan to change behaviour and check in with progress
    ● Insist on return of ‘borrowed’ items
    ● Support the victim/ bully to access counselling

    Zoom Policy

    Policy and Procedures

    1. Ask participants to change name to their own (not parents) so they can be vetted in the waiting room. Change name function can be turned on or off.
    2. Enable waiting rooms. This means you can vet participants and not allow uninvited guests, particularly if it is a public invite.
    3. Turn off recording for participants.
    4. Turn off private chat between participants if young or vulnerable participants.
    5. Screen sharing. Turn off for other participants so they can’t share inappropriate content.
    6. Warn that chat will be auto saved. Avoids inappropriate language being used.
    7. Ask permission before recording or screen shotting. Have a back up plan for taking notes if a participant refuses recording (one refusal means all recording ceases)
    8. Be aware with host screen sharing that if you share a home screen no personal data is visible.
    9. Sharing YouTube videos. When they end it can auto share the next video, which may be inappropriate.
    10. Tell in advance, unruly members they will go back in the waiting room or be cut completely if  they should transgress defined rules.
    11. Know where the buttons are. Know where the button is to remove someone, if uninvited guests gatecrash. Or shut down the meeting immediately.
    12. Advise participants
      a. devices should be charged up and connected before the session.
      b. Change name to the one they used to register for the meeting so they can be vetted
      in the waiting room.
      c. Re. Background visual content or offered content: “We won’t show you anything you
      won’t like so please try not to show us”
      d. Check lighting is adequate.
      e. Ensure students are dressed appropriately and are not in pyjamas.
    13. Know where the mute and mute all buttons are to eliminate Background noise ie. washing up, children in the background etc.
    14. If someone appears on the screen inappropriately dressed, know where the remove button is.
    15. If someone leaves without giving a reason, check in with them.


    CircusMASH takes the utmost precautions to keep zoom a safe place for you and your youth, CircusMASH staff are trained to deliver zoom sessions safely but we ask you to follow our protocol.

    Please do not share the link with anyone who has not been invited by us, and we ask you to respect everyone’s privacy by not screenshotting or recording any content. We will ask permission before we do, and only if everyone has agreed to media consent.

    Check your backgrounds for things you wouldn’t like us to see, and forewarn family members who might come onto the screen. Parents of younger children, you may want to be in the background when we zoom.

    Make sure that your device is charged up and connected to the internet, and that you log on 5 minutes before the session starts in case of technical diculties. If you have background noise, we will politely mute you to avoid disrupting the speaker.

    If inappropriate behaviour or language is used, verbally, in the chat, or on names, a warning will be given or you will be put back in the waiting room or removed and parents will be informed. If by any chance your child has been upset by content in the zoom, please don’t hesitate to inform us. Private chat will be turned off to stop any inappropriate private messages. If a child leaves the zoom abruptly or without reason, we will contact the parent to check that they are ok.

    When we start, you will arrive in a waiting room, please have a recognisable name so we know who to let in.

    GDPR statement

    We (CircusMASH and all those who represent CircusMASH) undertake to not record this meeting without the consent of all parties, any recording will be only used for training and marketing purposes and any subject data will be held and dealt with according to our Privacy Statement and Privacy Policies. If recording either by audio or video of a zoom meeting is to be done, it will be announced prior to the start of recording and consent will again be requested at the time from the participants. If just one participant withholds consent, recording will not take place.

    The record function that enables other participants to record the meeting will be turned off so any data retained is only held by CircusMASH. CircusMASH invites participants to online meetings and events to further the operation of CircusMASH only and therefore we strongly discourage other participants from making recordings which could be used inappropriately. Please be aware that we cannot prevent participants screen recording by using other methods, and we thus urge everyone to be mindful of the content that they deliver to the meeting, either verbally or through the audio/video and chat functions.

    Should it come to our attention that any participants of an CircusMASH online meeting or event has misused CircusMASH data, including unauthorised recordings, this would be viewed as gross misconduct and will be dealt with accordingly. This could include being barred from similar events.